Friday, April 15, 2011

April 15 Lectures


sterile below vocal chords

surfactant in alveoli is bacteriostatic (plus macs, lysozymes)
particle size  > 5 um deposit in upper airways   1-2 um can make it to alveoli (most bacteria)
virulence counts - TB less virulent than Klebsiella


direct innoculation
  • aspiration
  • esophageal rupture (severe vomiting - Boerhaave's syndrome)
  • dental abscess; pyelonephritis (tracking fascial planes)
anaerobic pneumonia = patient with teeth

lobar pneumonia  -  spreads via pores of Kohn (openings between adjacent alveoli)

calcified lung lesions = previous TB  - tend to be in upper lobes because (she meant to say) oxygen levels are HIGHER.  Multiplication of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is favored by a high oxygen tension (high V/Q in upper lungs results in higher PO2 and lower PCO2).

chronic fungal infections:
  • blasto, southeast  (duck hunters)  (includes extrapulmonary diseases)
  • histo, Mississippi valley
  • cocci, southwest, southern AZ, central valley of CA  ("valley fever")

pleural effusion
  • parapneumonic effusion (no organisms)
  • empyema (with organisms)
  • empyema necessitans (flourishing bacteria eats way out of pleura)

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