Friday, April 29, 2011

April 29 Lecture


vasculitis symptoms - fatigue, fever, weight loss

medium vessels:  Kawasaki's disease - vasculitis - usually of coronary arteries.  80% of patients < 4 years old.  viral trigger.  most common among children of Japanese and Korean descent.

small vessels: 
  • Wegener granulomatosis - granulomas with necrosis and vasculitis
  • Churg-Strauss syndrome - associated with asthma - allergic vasculitis
vein diseases


ABC rule - PQR                P = QR

hypotension = systolic BP < 90 mm Hg

shock = MAP < 60 mm Hg
  1. cardiogenic
  2. hypovolemic
  3. vasodilation
Big picture    P = QR       decreased P = dec Q and/or dec R
  • if decQ (cardiogenic, hypovolemic) then compensation is inc R (vasoconstriction)   (pale, cold skin)

  • if decR (e.g., septic, anaphylactic) then compensation is inc Q (tachycardia, SNS) (warm skin)

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